18 сентября 2024 г.

Шорт-лист Direct communication


Year/ID: 2011 / E61002G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E61 Flat direct mail and small print materials
Product and services category: Home Security
Country: HUNGARY
Brand name: Modern Alarm
Advertiser: Modern Alarm
Advertising agency, city: Ogilvy Budapest
Art director: Zoltan Visy
Copywriter: Karolina Galacz
Creative director: Will Rust, Ferenc Benesch
Photographer: David Lukacs
Creative idea explanation: Once a year, every year, a large Swedish furniture manufacturer distributes its catalogue to every household in Hungary. We took this opportunity to do a mail drop of our own, to demonstrate the importance of a good home security system.The mailers were distributed to post-boxes in well-to-do areas of Budapest on the same day of the large Swedish furniture catalogue's delivery.

Target The Top

Year/ID: 2011 / E62001G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E62 Multidimensional direct mail and small printed materials
Product and services category: Subaru Hellas
Registrant: DAY6
Country: GREECE
Brand name: Subaru Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive
Advertiser: Subaru Hellas
Advertising agency, city: day6, Athens
Art director: Redoine Amzlan
Creative director: Ivan Papadopoulos
Project manager: Panagiotis Kavopoulos
Director: Panos Theokas
Production company: Antonis Kefalonitis
Other credits: Evi Tsatsaki

Creative idea explanation: An innovative New Year's gift for selected clients owning Subaru off-road vehicles. Subaru is an excellent choice for any mountain-lover because of its unique Symmetrical All Wheel Drive System (AWD). We made a special darts game. The dartboard represents a mountain with the circles replaced by topographic contour lines. (Contour lines are lines drawn on a map connecting points of equal elevation, allowing us to show the shape of the land surface). The different heights indicate the various scoring sections. This year, using the special Subaru-winged darts representing your Subaru vehicle, you can В«Target the TopВ» at 2011m. and enjoy 2011 points!

Lipton tea bag

Year/ID: 2011 / E62003G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E62 Multidimensional direct mail and small printed materials
Product and services category: Lipton tea bag
Brand name: Lipton
Advertiser: Unilever
Advertising agency, city: Formitas BBDO
Art director: Deidra Jovanović
Copywriter: Creative Team
Creative director: Ana Ivandič
Designer: Deidra Jovanović
Project manager: Betka Bouha
Other credits: Tanja Drašler

Creative idea explanation: The core of the event, the promotion of the new pyramid-shaped Lipton tea bags, was pointed out to the press already with the shape of the invites. The invitations were shaped as large tea bags filled with fruit, just like Lipton teas.

Feel the road

Year/ID: 2011 / E62010G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E62 Multidimensional direct mail and small printed materials
Product and services category: Harley Davidson
Brand name: Harley Davidson
Advertising agency, city: Y&R, Prague
Art director: Gerrit Gerischer
Copywriter: Daniel Joseph
Creative director: Jaime Mandelbaum
Photographer: Stock photo
Other credits: Head of art: Marco Antonio do Nascimento, retouch: Furia

Books Fresheners

Year/ID: 2011 / E62016G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E62 Multidimensional direct mail and small printed materials
Product and services category: Chain of bookstores
Registrant: VOSKHOD
Country: RUSSIA
Brand name: 100 000 Books
Advertising agency, city: Voskhod, Yekaterinburg
Art director: Vladislav Derevyannykh
Copywriter: Evgeny Primachenko, Aleksandr Parkhomenko, Alexey Nikiforov
Creative director: Andrey Gubaydullin
Designer: Dmitry Maslakov
Creative idea explanation: Till 1990's Russia was the most reading country in the world. Now people read less. Chain of bookstores "100 000 books" decided to remind people about the necessity of reading. One of the places where all people still read is toilet. When there's no book there, people read anything that is at hand and mostly air fresheners. We created fresheners with fragments of world best-sellers printed on them. Books-fresheners appeared in WC in malls, business centers, offices, restaurants and household stores. Books-fresheners gained popularity. Next month after promotion the attendance of "100 000 books" grew by 23 %. Now they are going to sell the fresheners in the chain's outlets.

What a person can miss, a machine will find. POS.

Year/ID: 2011 / E63001G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E63 Point of sale communication
Product and services category: Amazonki - Stowarzyszenie Warszawa Centrum
Country: POLAND
Brand name: Amazonki - Stowarzyszenie Warszawa Centrum
Advertiser: Amazonki - Stowarzyszenie Warszawa Centrum
Advertising agency, city: Euro RSCG Warsaw
Art director: Rafał Ryś
Copywriter: Magdalena Banasik
Creative director: Jacek Szulecki
Project manager: Agnieszka Wichracka
Creative idea explanation: Most women know that self-examination can help diagnose breast cancer early. But many women don't know that a mammogram scan is the only way to be certain there are no dangerous lumps.To draw attention to this issue we came up with an original medium: a Store Security Tag Printed with the headline: "What a person can miss a machine will find".The tags were added to the bras by the shop assistant after a customer had bought them. The gate beeped what caught everyone's attention, but more importantly, it symbolized the reliability of a "machine" in detecting lumps.

T-shirts - elephant, giraffee, ostrich

Year/ID: 2011 / E63011G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E63 Point of sale communication
Product and services category: National Museum of Natural History
Brand name: National Museum of Natural History
Advertiser: National Museum of Natural History
Advertising agency, city: Publics Bulgaria
Creative director: Publicis team
Creative idea explanation: Series of T-shirts for the National Museum of Natural History, part of the "Support the Knowledge" campaign. If someone wears them and moves his left hand up and down, the animals are nodding and calling other people to join the campaign.

Death Revealer

Year/ID: 2011 / E63015G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E63 Point of sale communication
URL: http://www.cyberentries.ru/layout-road/
Product and services category: Road Safety
Country: RUSSIA
Brand name: The Village
Advertiser: The Village
Advertising agency, city: Moscow
Art director: Mikhail Derkach
Creative director: Mikhail Kudashkin, Grigory Sorokin
Designer: Andrey Sergeev
Production company: Kijjaa

T-shirt packaging and hanger in one

Year/ID: 2011 / E64001G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E64 Packaging design – custom made
Product and services category: Online T-shirt shop
Brand name: Cultera
Advertiser: Cultera
Advertising agency, city: Votan Leo Burnett
Art director: Aleš Strajnar
Creative director: Aleš Strajnar
Creative idea explanation: Recycled cardboard paper packaging for online T-shirt shop delivery which can be transformed into a t-shirt hanger.

The Wood Edition

Year/ID: 2011 / E64004G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E64 Packaging design – custom made
Product and services category: Wine farmer
Country: AUSTRIA
Brand name: The Wood Edition
Advertising agency, city: Ogilvy and Mather, Vienna
Art director: Renate Stoica, Heinz Ploder, Natalia Satzinger
Copywriter: Sarah Krobath
Creative director: Gerd Schulte-Doeinghaus
Creative idea explanation: Describe the brief from the client:The Brandl Winery creates limited edition series of oak-aged wines. The series, created from 3 different wines of varying vintages - Blaufränkisch, Zweigelt and Stone Red - were to be given a unified design.Describe the challenges and key objectives: How to show at a glance that the wine has been matured in wooden casks? Describe how you arrived at the final design: The labels were created from veneers, which were cut from the original wooden wine casks. The typeface was engraved directly into the wood. Give some indication of how successful the outcome was in the market (how well the design was received; results; consumer engagement etc.: The bottles were highly desirable - and not only due to their content. Despite its relatively high price, the limited edition sold out within 5 months.


Year/ID: 2011 / E65002G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E65 Packaging design for mass produced goods and services
Product and services category: Mlk organic dairy
Registrant: DEPOT WPF
Country: RUSSIA
Brand name: Mlk
Advertiser: Prodmol
Advertising agency, city: Depot WPF, Moscow
Art director: Aram Mirzoyants
Creative director: Alexey Fadeev
Creative idea explanation: The brand visual identity consists of black and white graphic patterns which were taken from the real environment of a small milk farm. The patterns of the real farm were used in order to reflect the naturalness of the dairy production and the products. The objective was to differentiate the product on the store shelf and to distinguish it from the products of dairy producers. We understood that the indentity of Mlk brand has to be different from the big mega-producers. As for the illustrations, we used natural farming patterns - a family farm, where the products are produced in a traditional way. Illustrations are hand-made with a pencil which enables to stress the handmade production process. In addition, a pencil technique makes the image 'soft' - and is overall most suitable tool for solving this task.The development strategy stipulates the launch of a huge quantity of products, beginning with a milk line.

Dizao Organics

Year/ID: 2011 / E65003G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E65 Packaging design for mass produced goods and services
Product and services category: Dizao Organics Cosmetics Line
Registrant: DEPOT WPF
Country: RUSSIA
Brand name: Dizao Organics
Advertiser: Dizao
Advertising agency, city: Depot WPF, Moscow
Art director: Lyudmila Galchenko
Creative director: Alexey Fadeev
Creative idea explanation: We were asked to create a trendy line of skin care products targeting consumers keen on innovative packaging. We developed a system of symbols showing the basic quality of each product of the range.Usually the product description runs in small font on the front side of the packaging. In this case black and white graphics conveys the essence of each product in a clear and emotional way. Each SKU has an individual symbol created with a unified logic in mind. The approach became the basis for the brand identity. All information about the producer and the method of application is placed either on the back panel of the packaging or on a label attached to it.

Comilfo Limited Edition

Year/ID: 2011 / E65013G11
Group: E Direct communication
Subgroup: E65 Packaging design for mass produced goods and services
Product and services category: Comilfo Chocolates
Registrant: DEPOT WPF
Country: RUSSIA
Brand name: Comilfo
Advertiser: Nestle
Advertising agency, city: Depot WPF, Moscow
Art director: Julia Zhdanova
Copywriter: Kirill Rizhkov
Creative director: Alexey Fadeev
Creative idea explanation: The package is styled as a Christmas gift, left for a while and rediscovered in our days. The gift from the time when flying airplane one have to be crazy rather than busy. The main font resembles a cantle needlework that adds a sense of uniqueness and handmade work to this gift. The package is launched in the New Year Eve.


19-й международный фестиваль рекламы Golden Drum пройдет в Портороже в Словении, с 2 по 5 октября. За годы своего существования Golden Drum вышел на позиции одного из самых ожидаемых мероприятий для рекламистов со всего мира. Для многих фестиваль является самым важным и заметным обзором рекламного мира за год, превосходя в этом даже фестиваль Cannes Lions.

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