- "Nestle" company launched the first in Russia chocolate for men <br>Nestle® Classic for Men - Marketing Advertising PR
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"Nestle" company launched the first in Russia chocolate for men
Nestle® Classic for Men

"Nestle" company, the world leader in manufacture of foodstuffs and drinks, launched the first chocolate for men on the Russian market - Nestle® Classic for Men. It is the new format of chocolate bar, developed specially for men. Excellent taste, original package design and the form of chocolate - the thick rectangular bar, divided into large pieces, which will not be lost on a man's palm, - all that makes this chocolate a verily man's product. The novelty is presented in three flavouring variants: a milk chocolate, a milk chocolate with whole almond and a milk chocolate with peanut and raisin. According to the Omnibus researches, realized by "Masmi" company by request of "Nestle" in 2005, most of men prefer a milk chocolate (48%), 37% of men prefer dark chocolate, and 15 % choose other types of chocolate (white and mixed).

The idea of this product creation, intended only for men, is based on deep understanding of a modern man psychology. "The role of woman in a society is more and more increasing. A distinction between a woman and a man is gradually drawn. So much the men would like to have things, which will belong only to them. Considering this need, "Nestle" company developed a key idea of "untouchable man's property", which was laid in the basis of Nestle® Classic for Men strategic concept",- Aleksandra Tarasinkevich, senior manager of trademarks of confectionery products department of "Nestle" company, says.

The novelty appeared on sale from the beginning of November of this year. On November 21 the advertising campaign Nestle® Classic for Men, built on the ironical opposition of two sexes, was launched. The appeal "Protect from women" acts as the slogan of Nestle® Classic for Men, which allocates a target audience of this product in playful form. Strategy of the new product promotion and the campaign creative concept were developed by Lowe Adventa advertising agency. "There are two worlds in a basis of the ads creative concept - "man's" and "woman's", where interests and opinions are frequently opposite. Nestle® Classic for Men chocolate acts as the powerful buffer, which is fencing off the "man's" world, rough and rigid, from the "woman's" one, sentimental, gentle and vulnerable ", - Alexey Fedorov, Lowe Adventa copyrighter, says.

The format of a woman's TV program, where a presenter has an intimate talk with representatives of the weaker sex and listens to their emotional experiences with understanding, allows showing some sides of a female nature with irony. Appearance of Nestle® Classic for Men chocolate at the most unexpected moment shows attitude of a man to the problems of such character - "...No tears, no sentiments...". Men are not such as women, therefore they like everything big, weighty, brutal - that will not be lost on a palm. Here it is - the rough man's truth!

The advertising campaign passes from November 21 till December 18 on the following channels: "Pervij kanal", "Rossia", NTV, TNT, STS, Ren TV, TVC, MTV, TV 3.

Creative teamwork:

Nestle teamwork:
Group Brand Manager - L.Frolova
Brand Manager - A.Tarasinkevich
Lowe Adventa teamwork:
Creative director: A.Brener
Copyrighter: A.Fedorov
Art-director: D.Golovkin
Strategic planning manager: M.Dobrov
Group account director: O.Mishina
Senior account manager: E.Tuganova
Account executive: E.Orlova
Producer: U.Medvedev

Production: "YarChe"
Director: Ya.Chevazhevsky
Operator: V.Amati
Producer: I.Verevkina

Nestle Classic for Men
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