P-05best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)The Plot (P-05-027)
P-05 best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)
CORE 4, spol. s.r.o.
P-06Best promo campaign (using new technologys)TAKEMEHOME MACHINE (P-07-020)
P-06 Best promo campaign (using new technologys)
Friends Moscow
P-02best campain in event-marketing (including sponsorship)We play, Earth rests. (P-02-028)
P-02 best campain in event-marketing (including sponsorship)
TDI Group
P-02best campain in event-marketing (including sponsorship)Specific character of national stains (P-02-039)
P-02 best campain in event-marketing (including sponsorship)
Talan Group
P-05best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)DISCOBOY AND TURKEY GIRL ADVENTURES (P-05-029)
P-05 best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)
Red Pepper
P-05best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)IKEA. Thingternal values (P-05-030)
P-05 best integrated campaing ( should include no less than 3 different communication channels: For example, in store, promo, The Internet.)
Red Apple -единственное в России мероприятие международного уровня в индустрии рекламных и маркетинговых коммуникаций.
Ежегодно в фестивале участвуют более 5000 тысяч человек из 30 стран мира. Московский Международный Фестиваль Рекламы и маркетинга включает в себя: конкурсную, научную, выставочную программы, а так же, торжественную церемонию награждения победителей.
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